Receiving Nova Threads begins with a consultation, where you'll be able to discuss your goals and decide with Practitioner Edwards on the best placement plan that matches your goals and budget. The practitioner may begin by cleansing your face, and a private ice pack will be provided to cool the area before treatment, this helps numb the area while reducing the likelihood of swelling or bruising. Afterward, the practitioner will ask you to lie down and get comfortable before guiding you through the procedure. Nova Threads are injected under the skin by small needles which are pre-loaded with the PDO thread. The needles are simply inserted into the subdermal level and run beneath the skin but parallel to it's surface. 

The procedure for Nova Threads takes between 30 and 90 minutes depending on the number of threads and size of treatment area. After treatment you may experience slight bruising and/or swelling, though these side effects will usually dissipate in 5 days. There may also be tenderness at the areas where the threads were directly inserted. Often the treatment area will feel ‘tight’ and ‘prickly’ when moving the muscles in the face, however these sensations will also dissipate in 5-7 days. We offer complimentary Arnica and reusable icepacks to aid in the healing process. ​​​​

 R Jessie Edwards, FNP


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​​​​We naturally associate youth and health with a face which has a "V-shape". That's because when we're young our temples carry fat and our skin is full of collagen, both of which keep the skin at our chin and neck tight and smooth. As we age though, collagen disappears and gravity pulls fat down, slowly inverting this "V-shape". The idea behind Nova Threads is to create a scaffolding which lifts, and/or repositions the skin in order to support the tissues and keep them in the "V-shape".

Nova Threads are synthetic, absorbable surgical sutures used to tighten the skin and provide anti-aging benefits. Nova Threads composed of polydioxanone (PDO), which is the same type of sutures used in open-heart surgery and are one of the safest materials to be implanted in the body. Until Nova Threads, the treatment of the chin and neck had been very difficult, often patients who would be perfect candidates for non-surgical techniques would be forced to pay for difficult cosmetic surgery because there were such limited options. Now though,  Nova Threads are available to provide lift to the treatment area immediately, and without surgery of any kind.

Though Novathreads can be inserted virtually anywhere, the neck and jawline have been found to provide the most astonishing results. They are one of the very few treatments which can provide natural and immediate results to crepey skin. Very versatile, Nova Threads are also excellent for treating jowls, providing non-surgical neck lifts, performing subtle lip augmentation, and are a great product for the treatment of lip lines or “smoker lines".  Nova Threads also help stimulate your body to create collagen elastin for up to 13 months, where the threads are placed. PDO sutures  are absorbed in 4-6 months without  leaving any scar tissue behind. 

Nova Threads are one of the very few treatments which can provide natural and immediate results to crepey skin.

Red head woman looking into camera. Learn about Nova Threads!

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